
NEEA offers a wide range of services that include reviewing of your child’s educational file, attending IEP and team meetings, communicating with the school (in person, phone, and letter), advising about placements, and organizing your files.

Comprehensive Report for You

Comprehensive Report for You

Angela reviews school files including current and old IEPs, evaluations, report cards, school communications and progress reports. After her review Angela will write a comprehensive report for you. Your report may include proposed goals, increased services, added accommodations, needed evaluations, and an overview of your child’s educational plan.

Attending Meetings

Attending Meetings

Angela draws on 18 years of negotiating, legislative lobbying on educational issues, and  practiced knowledge of the special education law to help you navigate the special education process. She attends IEP and team meetings, along with meeting with evaluators as your advocate. During meetings Angela asks questions, clarifies answers, advocate for the needs of the student, takes notes for parents, consults and advises parents, and builds team collaboration.

Organize the Educational File

Organize the Educational File

Your job is to develop the vision for your child, my job is to keep you organized and on track.

Angela offers the service of organizing our educational file that works to better advocate for your child. To effectively advocate for your child, you need organized and complete documents to make the case for services. In addition, Angela can write letters to your school and file the appropriate forms and documents.



Angela will work with your family to understand what placement would be the least restrictive environment (LRE) for your child. In addition, Angela can research out-of-district placements and help you find the best match for your child.



Angela has over 18 years of negotiation expertise to help maximize your child’s education along with being a graduate from the Harvard Law School Mediation Program. Just like a boardroom deal, IEP meetings are all about negotiation and knowing how to find a win-win solution. Angela will use proven techniques she has mastered as an educational lobbyist to help your family.

Communication with Your School

Communication with Your School

Angela can research the law and help you write emails and letter to the school. Often school teams and parents become locked in disagreements, Angela can use her skills to help the team better communicate by setting-up a communication plan.